Export Scenes Programmatically using Python

You can also export many scenes programmatically using Python!

Step 1

You need to prepare an export settings file. The export settings contains various settings, so you might want to create the settings file using the Qgis2threejs exporter.

  1. Open a QGIS project and click the Qgis2threejs icon in the web tool bar to open the Qgis2threejs exporter.

  2. Add layers to scene, configure their settings, scene settings and decorations.

  3. Click on the File - Export Settings - Save... menu entry, and then select a filename to save the export settings (file extension is .qto3settings).

Step 2

You are ready to play with Python. Let’s open the QGIS Python console.

from PyQt5.QtCore import QSize
from Qgis2threejs.export import ThreeJSExporter, ImageExporter    # or ModelExporter
from Qgis2threejs.mapextent import MapExtent

# texture base size
TEX_WIDTH, TEX_HEIGHT = (1024, 1024)

path_to_settings = None    # path to .qto3settings file

# get map settings from current map canvas
mapSettings = iface.mapCanvas().mapSettings()

# extent to export
center = mapSettings.extent().center()
width = mapSettings.extent().width()
height = width * TEX_HEIGHT / TEX_WIDTH
rotation = 0

# apply the above extent to map settings
MapExtent(center, width, height, rotation).toMapSettings(mapSettings)

# texture base size
mapSettings.setOutputSize(QSize(TEX_WIDTH, TEX_HEIGHT))

# 1. export scene as web page

filename = "D:/export/html_filename.html"

exporter = ThreeJSExporter()
exporter.loadSettings(path_to_settings)     # export settings (for scene, layers, decorations and so on)
exporter.setMapSettings(mapSettings)        # extent, texture size, layers to be rendered and so on

# 2. export scene as image

filename = "D:/export/image_filename.png"

# camera position and camera target in world coordinate system (z-up)
CAMERA = {"pos": {"x": -50, "y": 50, "z": 30},   # above left front of DEM block
          "lookAt": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0}}

exporter = ImageExporter()

exporter.initWebPage(1024, 768)                       # output image size
exporter.export(filename, cameraState=CAMERA)